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      資料分類:金融翻譯 上傳會員:小兔乖乖 更新時間:2023-01-19
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          關鍵詞:客戶盈利;客戶關系管理(CRM);實施;案例分析。 1.  介紹: 


      CPA日益關注的動力是雙重的。首先,不同產品作業成本法在上世紀90年代興起(ABC)導致了不同程度的提高認識到制造業使用公司的資源。當使用ABC,公司首先確定成本庫:組織內進行的活動類別。其次,信息技術使得有可能記錄和分析更多的客戶的數據在類型和量中。隨著數據如訂單數量,銷售訪問次數,服務電話號碼等存儲在各個客戶的水平,有可能去實際計算客戶盈利。它被認為是良好的行業營銷實踐建立和培養與客戶的利益關系。為了能夠做到這一點,企業應該懂得目前的客戶關系不同的盈利能力,以及什么客戶群提供更高的潛力,未來盈利的客戶關系。 2. CPA的潛在效益 




      外文原文(字符數 10693)

      The implementation of customer profitability analysis: A case study 

      Erik M. van Raaija, Maarten J.A. Vernooijb, Sander van Triestc,* 

      School of Technology and Management,University of Twente 


      By using customer profitability analysis (CPA), firms can determine the profit contribution of customer segments and/or individual customers. This article presents an approach for the implementation of CPA. The implementation process is illustrated using a case study of a firm producing and selling professional cleaning products. The case study highlights specific issues related to CPA in an industrial setting,and the results provide examples of the possible benefits of implementing a process of regular CPA.D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. 

          Keywords: Customer profitability; Customer relationship management (CRM); Implementation; Case study 

      1. Introduction 

      Within any given customer base, there will be differences in the revenues customers generate for the firm and in the costs the firm has to incur to secure those revenues. While most firms will know the customer revenues, many firms are unaware of all costs associated with customer relationships.In general, product costs will be known for each customer,but sales and marketing, service, and support costs are mostly treated as overhead. Customer profitability analysis (CPA) refers to the allocation of revenues and costs to customer segments or individual customers, such that the profitability of those segments and/or individual customers can be calculated. 

      上傳會員 小兔乖乖 對本文的描述:客戶盈利能力的實際計算相當于一個廣泛鍛煉。為了使CPA真正有用的,實施應該更進一步比繪制了客戶的盈利模式和插入數據進去,作為分析的價值是基于更明智的決策行為。因此,六......
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