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      資料分類:金融翻譯 上傳會員:小兔乖乖 更新時間:2023-01-19
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      外文原文(字符數 9493)

      Operational capability concept analysis

      Operation ability is the assets of the enterprise turnaround to measure the efficiency of the utilization of assets enterprises. The index reflects assets turnover rate have inventory turnover, liquid assets turnover rate, total asset turnover. The faster turnaround speed, it shows that the enterprise of assets into business links, forming the faster the cycle of revenue and profit more short, business efficiency is higher. Operation ability refers to the enterprise asset turnover operation ability, usually can use total asset turnover, fixed asset turnover, flow asset turnover,inventory turnover and accounts receivable turnover these five financial ratios to enterprises' operating capacity for layered analysis.

      Operational capability index

      (A)Using financial ratio analysis

      Financial analysis provides information concerning a firm’s operating performance and financial condition. This information is useful to analysis in evaluating a firm’s operation and to an investor in evaluating the risk and potential returns to investing in a firm’s securities.

      (B)Activity ratios

      Activity ratios—for the most part, turnover ratios—can be used to evaluate the benefits produced by specific assets, such as inventory or accounts receivable or to evaluate the benefits produced by the totality of the firm’s assets.

      (C)Inventory management

      The inventory turnover ratio indicates how quickly a firm has used inventory to generate the goods and services that are sold. The inventory turnover is the ratio of the cost of goods sold to inventory:

             Inventory turnover ratio=Cost of goods sold/Inventory

      上傳會員 小兔乖乖 對本文的描述:營運能力是充分利用現有資源創造社會財富的能力,可以用來評價企業對其擁有資源的利用程度和營運活動的能力,其實質是要以盡可能少的資源使用,盡可能多的周轉時間,來產生出......
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