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      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:胡編輯 更新時間:2019-12-01
      需要金幣2000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:7290
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

      Abstract:Based on the corpus, this paper makes a systematic and scientific study of the patriotic feelings and the attitudes of the famous translator, Ms. Pan Qingzhong, in Theodore's "American Tragedy" from the perspective of linguistics. With the help of corpus, we can conduct a comprehensive and accurate study of the translator's style, and analyze and judge the transliteration of the language, the structure of the sentence, the usual words, and even if her translation is faithful to the original. The study of the translation based on the corpus provides a reliable basis for the translator's style survey. This creative approach not only provides a new idea for translation studies, but also improves the accuracy of studies on the translation.

         It is found that there is a certain deviation between the use of emotional vocabulary, the density and emotion in the original and the translation. And the Chinese version usually is made with the guiding of the emotion but the emotion in the original is relatively stable. There is a phenomenon in which the language of the translation is somehow weakened. As a master of literature, the translator Pan Qingzhe, the factors leading to her deviation in version may be the following: the national culture, language characteristics and the translator's own character. Through this study, we can make the following conclusions. In theory, the application of evaluation theory on translation studies provides an accurate framework. Translators can analyze the originals from different perspectives. With the development of the novel, the emotion changes with the process of the novel. This shows that the translators’ feeling is synchronized with the feeling in the novel. The author finally selected the famous American ironic novel "Tale of Two Cities" for macro comparison which further shows the style and the thoughts of the 1920s lost generation and provides tradeoff database for reference.

      Key words: corpus, appraises, and database





      Chapter One  Introduction

      1.1 Definition of corpus

      1.2 The elements of corpus

      1.3 Software used in this eassy

      Chapter Two  The background of this novel 

      2.1 Briefing of this novel

      2.2 Dreiser’s language style 

      2.3 American literature and society in 1920s

      Chapter Three  Different translation prospectives

      3.1 Traditional translation feature.

      3.2 Corpusbased translation 

      Chapter Four  Research design 

      4.1 Research preparation

      4.2 Disposition of the text

      Chapter Five Research result and discussion

      5.1 Analysis of data

      5.2 Comparison with A tale of two cities

      Chapter Six Another theoretical framework of this research 

      6.1 The appraisal principle of this research

      6.2 Feelings of the text

      6.3 The evaluation of the emotion

      6.4 Different graduation of the positive and negative words 

      6.5 The overall condition of negative words collected in this two texts 

      Chapter Seven Conclusion

      上傳會員 胡編輯 對本文的描述:研究發現英語原文和漢語譯文中無論是情感詞匯的使用數量,密度和情感強調方面有著一定的偏差,譯文淡化了情感色彩,而英語原文中的情感趨勢相對穩定。譯文存在語勢增強、減弱......
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