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      資料分類:管理翻譯 上傳會員:外文翻譯 更新時間:2013-07-08
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:外文及翻譯 下載論文
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      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

      譯文(字數 4933):




      外文原文(字符數 15020):

      外文出處:JianchangLu,YinchunLv. Research of electric power enterprise knowledge workers’ incentive based on fuzzy model[J].Procedia Engineering,2011

      Abstract:In recent years, with the continuous development of knowledge-based economy and the reform deepening of China's power industry, how to attract, retain and develop knowledge-based talent, has become an urgent task in business management of power companies. This paper firstly introduces the background and significance of the topic, then describes the necessities of research on electric power enterprise knowledge workers' incentive. Secondly, through analyzing the features and demands of knowledge workers, combined with the actual situation of power enterprises, this paper builds the knowledge workers' incentive mechanism, and establishes the evaluation index system through this mechanism, and then it evaluates knowledge workers' incentive mechanism of power enterprises by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, the paper proves the feasibility and effectiveness by an example, and then knowledge workers' incentive of electric power enterprise is studied scientifically.………………


      上傳會員 外文翻譯 對本文的描述:構建出知識型員工的激勵機制,并且通過這個機制,建立起知識型員工的評價指標體系,然后,通過使用模糊綜合評價方法評估電力企業知識型員工的激勵機制。最后,文章通過一個例......
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