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      資料分類:藝術翻譯 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-05
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      譯文(字數 2684):


      文化遺產是一個國家的遺產,一個民族群體,甚至是更廣泛的,全人類的遺產。因此,值得一提的是,聯合國教育、科學文化組織(UNESCO)在1972年成立了“世界文化遺產和自然遺產保護公約”,鼓勵對世界上對人類有杰出價值的文化和自然遺產給與鑒定、保護和促進。世界遺產是在1978最先提出的,并且在2004年指定的遺址總數達到788個,包括611的文化遺產,154個自然遺產,還有在超過134個國家的23個聯合遺產(whc.unesco.org /英/清單)。………………


      外文原文(字符數 8224):

      外文出處:Samuel Seong seop Kim ,Kevin K.F.Wong ,Min Cho From: Tourism Management

         A cultural heritage is an inheritance of a nation, an ethnic group, and more broadly, of all human beings. It is, therefore, notable that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) has established a “Convention concerning the protection the World Cultural and Natural Heritage ”in 1972 encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. World Heritage properties were firstly designated in 1978 and as of 2004 the number of the designated sites amounted to 788 including 611 cultural heritage properties, 154 natural heritage properties, and 23 combined heritage properties in more than 134 countries (whc.unesco.org/en/list).………………

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:遺產地、遺產景點、文化遺產外文翻譯.doc外文出處:Samuel Seong seop Kim ,Kevin K.F.Wong ,Min Cho From: Tourism Management......
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