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      資料分類:藝術翻譯 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-05
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      外文原文(字符數 6262):

      外文出處:Internationalization of the Chinese TV Sector[M]. lit verlag dr.w.hopf berlin,2007

        Presently foreigners, especially from western countries, seldom import chinse tv programs.in this paper’s approach the focus is on consumers, who are the last element of a complex value-added chain. one basic condition for the consumption of tv programs labeled “made in china”is a specific knowledge transfer from the national market to foreign consumers. strategies regarding how to become more influential in the global tv programming markt are derived from the consumer theory. however, next to specific human capital, cultural differences form barriers in dmand. these barriers have to be transcended by different types of investments,which are discussed in this paper.………………

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:電視節目、電視節目類型外文翻譯.doc外文出處:Internationalization of the Chinese TV Sector[M]. lit verlag dr.w.hopf berlin,2007......
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