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      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:congxia 更新時間:2021-05-05
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      Abstract:  During the long period of English teaching in China, the main purpose of English teaching is to be focused on the development of students reading and writing skills in junior school. Because of the enrollment of a senior school, many teachers tend to ignore the teaching of spoken English in the process of teaching English. Yet, it is a key period to develop students’ spoken ability. This paper aims to give a brief introduction of the situational approach. It also suggests that the proper application of the situational approach is beneficial to the interaction between teachers and students and the improvement of students’ motivation and oral English. 

      Key words: approach; development; situational creation; oral English





      1. Introduction -1

      2. Literature review1

      2.1 Situational teaching

      2.2 The principle of situational teaching

      2.2.1 Authentic principle 

      2.2.2 Pleasant principle 

      2.2.3 Structural principle

      2.2.4 Specific principle

      2.2.5 Communicative principle 

      2.3 Related theories

      2.3.1 The input hypothesis

      2.3.2 The affective filter hypothesis

      3. Some Approaches to Design of Oral Situation in Junior English Classes 4

      3.1. Pictures

        3.2. Objects

      3.3. Body language

      3.4. Games

      3.5. Multimedia

      4. Some suggestions proposed when designing situations -6

      4.1Consistence of teaching goal and content

      4.2 Creation of real-life communication

      4.3 Enhancement of students’ interest and motivation

      4.4 Conducive improvement of students’ oral competence

      5. Conclusion-9



      上傳會員 congxia 對本文的描述:由于初中升高中的升學壓力,很多老師在教授英語的過程中忽略了學生口語能力的發展。但是,初中正是學生口語形成的關鍵時期。本論文將對情境教學,和情境教學在初中教學中的應......
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