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      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:HiYOYO 更新時間:2024-03-24
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:11106
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)



      研究結果表明:第一,小說中的概念隱喻可以從結構隱喻,本體隱喻和方位隱喻的角度進行分析。第二,譯者在不同的映射情況下使用了不同的翻譯策略。第三, 譯者翻譯策略的選擇受到多種因素影響,如社會文化背景等。本論文通過分析葛浩文譯本,可以進一步豐富概念隱喻視角下的隱喻翻譯的研究。






      Chapter One Introduction -1

      1.1 Background of the Research-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research-2

      1.3 Methodology of the Research-2

      1.4 Organization of the Thesis-2

      Chapter two Literature Review-4

      2.1 Studies on Metaphor and Metaphor Translation Abroad-4

      2.2 Studies on Metaphor and Metaphor Translation at Home-5

      2.3 Studies on the English Translation of Camel Xiangzi at home-6

      2.4 Studies on the English Translation of Camel Xiangzi Abroad-8

      2.5 Contributions and Limitations of Previous Studies-9

      Chapter Three Theoretical Framework-10

      3.1 Types of Conceptual Metaphor-10

      3.1.1 Structural Metaphor-10

      3.1.2 Orientational Metaphor-10

      3.1.3 Ontological Metaphor-11

      3.2 The Main Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor-11

      3.2.1 The ubiquity of metaphor-11

      3.2.2 The conceptual nature of metaphor-11

      3.2.3 The systematicity of metaphor-12

      Chapter Four Conceptual Metaphor Translation in Camel Xiangzi-14

      4.1 Strategies to Metaphor Translation-14

      4.2 Translation of Structural Metaphors-15

      4.2.1 Reproducing the Same Image in the Target Language-15

      4.2.2 Replacing the Image in the Source Language with A Standard Target Language.-16

      4.2.3 Converting the Metaphor into Sense-17

      4.3 Translation of Orientational Metaphors-18

      4.3.1 Reproducing the Same Image in the Target Language-19

      4.3.2 Converting the Metaphor into Sense-19

      4.4 Translation of Ontological Metaphors-20

      4.4.1 Reproducing the Same Image in the Target Language-20

      4.4.2 Replacing the Image in the Source Language with a Standard Target Image-21

      4.4.3 Converting the Metaphor into Sense-22

      Chapter Five Conclusion-24

      5.1 Findings of the Study-24

      5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study-24



      上傳會員 HiYOYO 對本文的描述:As one of the most important masterpieces of Chinese literature, Camel Xiangzi is an important channel for foreign readers to understand Chinese culture, the quality of translation of the novel is crucial. The English translation of this pap......
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