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      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:HiYOYO 更新時間:2024-03-24
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:7454
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

      中文摘要: 自中國加入世貿組織以來,對于商務合同的翻譯需求在不斷擴大,這也導致對于合同翻譯的研究也在不斷深入。商務合同在貿易往來中起著一個不可替代的作用,它規定了當事雙方的權利和義務,能有效地促進合作和規避貿易糾紛。








      Chapter One  Introduction-1

      1.1. Background-1

      1.2. Aim and Objectives-1

      1.3. Methodology of the Research-1

      1.4. Structure of the Dissertation-2

      Chapter Two  Literature Review-3

      2.1. Introduction-3

      2.2. Early Research on Translation Principles-3

      2.3. principle of equivalence-4

      2.3.1. Semantic information Equivalence-4

      2.3.2. Style information equivalence-4

      2.3.3. Cultural information equivalence-4

      2.4. Summary-5

      Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework-6

      3.1. Introduction-6

      3.2. Cross-cultural translation theory-6

      3.3. Skopos theory-6

      Chapter Four  Features of Business English Contract-8

      4.1. Introduction-8

      4.2. Definition of contract-8

      4.3. The form of a business contract-9

      4.4. Language features of business contract-9

      4.5. The wording characteristics of business English contract-10

      4.5.1. Business contracts use formal legal terms-10

      4.5.2. Business English contracts use technical terms and acronyms-10

      4.5.3. Business English contracts use clear written words-11

      4.5.4. Business English contracts use of archaic words-12

      4.5.5. Business English contracts use loanword-12

      4.5.6. Synonyms and synonyms juxtaposed-12

      4.6. Syntactic features of business English contract-13

      4.6.1. Business English contracts use declarative sentences-13

      4.6.2. Business English contracts use long sentences-14

      4.6.3. Business English contracts use parallel sentences-15

      Chapter Five  Case Studies and Translation Strategies Selection for Business Contract-16

      5.1. Introduction-16

      5.2. The transformation of sentence patterns in the translation of business contract-16

      5.3. Additions and subtractions in the translation -18

      5.3.1. Addition translation-18

      5.3.2. Subtraction translation-18

      5.4. Analysis and translation of long sentences in business contract-19

      5.4.1. Sequential translation-20

      5.4.2. Reverse translation-20

      5.5. Summary-21

      Chapter Six  Conclusion-22

      6.1. Summary-22

      6.2. Limitations and Suggestions-22



      上傳會員 HiYOYO 對本文的描述:This dissertation attempts to analyze the language characteristics of business contracts and use the Skopos theory and cross-cultural translation theory to explore the translation strategy of business contract.......
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